Program Administrators - SterlingRisk Programs

SterlingRisk Programs
Company Description
Your Program Administrator
SterlingRisk Programs is a leader in creating and administering successful affinity programs for associations and industry groups for over 25 years. We design specialized products that offer our clients the broadest protection for the most competitive price.
Our Program Administrators provide your agency with the expertise and service for our current programs countrywide:
- Combined Real Estate Purchasing Enterprise (CREPE)- High Limit Umbrella
- Safety Merchants and Retail Tenants Umbrella (SMART-U)- Retail Umbrella
- Family Entertainment Centers (FECSA)- Property, Liability, and Accident
- General Real Estate Environmental Enterprise (GREEN)- Environmental Coverage for Real Estate
- Architects and Engineers- Errors and Omissions, BOP
- Music and Entertainment (MUSICPRO)- Instrument and Equipment
- Jewelry Insurance Repair and Replace (GEMSAFE)- Inland Marine, BOP
- Supplemental Unemployment Insurance (Income Assure)- Private unemployment insurance
- High Valued Coastal Homeowners (High Valued Homeowners Program)- Property, Liability, Umbrella, Inland Marine
- Human and Social Services- Professional Liability, Liability, Excess, Group accident, Management Liability, Not for Profit D&O
- Behavioral Health Management (VAN WAGNER)- Professional Liability, Liability, Property, Cyber
Programs & Coverages
Drone Insurance
Managing Unique Risks associated with Unmanned Aircraft System- Aviation Specific Products- Physical Damage, Liability, Aviation CGL, Aviation Products, and Non- Owned Aviation Liability Designed.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS) or Drones used to be associated with military raise or unmanned spacecraft. Today, compact versions are increasly operating in everyday life and the UAV industry is fast becoming a multi-billion dollar business. However, the rise of such innovative technology also brings a number of risk and liability challenges.
Top Five UASD Markets:
- Government
- Agriculture
- Industrial Inspection
- Insurance
- Real Estate Photography
Mike O'Donnell850-460-7391
Behavioral Health Management
Behavioral Health Management- VAN WAGNER GROUP- Comprehensive solutions to the addiction and Counseling Fields (Individuals and Program Facilities)
Professional Liability, Commercial General Liability, Abuse and Molestation, Excess Liability and Property, Auto and CYBER.
Serving the needs of the addiction treatment community for over 25 years, the program currently covers thousands of addiction professionals in all 50 states.
Our Professional Liability coverage for the mental health and addiction fields, as well as other Allied Health Professionals, is written through a leading carrier of professional liability, rated “A” .
Our Professional Liability Form is an Occurrence Form.
We can cover:
Clinical Supervisors, addiction and Mental Health Counselors, Recovery Support Specialists, Life Coaches, Psychologists, Students, and Family, Marriage Counselors and Dual Diagnosis Facilities, Outpatient Facilities, Addiction Treatment Facilities.
Professional liability Insurance with $1 million Each Act, Error or Omission/$3 million Aggregate- includes expenses outside limits. Additional Insured- Automatic status written contract; $25,000/$50,000 Administrative defense and HIPAA Notification Cost.
Commercial General Liability Coverage- $1 million Occurrence/ $3 million Aggregate- include coverage for those sums that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay a damages for bodily injury and property damage. Allied Health General Liability Broadening Endorsement; Abuse or Molestation Coverage- $100,000 each Act of Abuse/$100,000 Aggregate- include expenses outside limits
Patty Kenny800-735-1588
High Limit Umbrella (CREPE)
Combined Real Estate Purchasing Enterprise (CREPE) - High Limit Umbrella up to $200 million
Who Can we Protect?
- Broad lessor’s risk eligibility: habitational, commercial, hospitality and leisure risks
- Residential condominium associations, rental and cooperative apartments, brownstones
- Residential community associations
- Office buildings, commercial condominiums
- Shopping centers and strip malls, light industrial and warehouses
- Hotels, motels, casinos, resorts
- Apartment Complexes
- Single Family Complexes
- Follow form non-profit Directors and Officers (D&O)
- Follow form lead/mold
- Personal excess liability availability for principals
- Follow form garage keepers legal liability
- Vacant land and single-family dwellings as part of schedule of locations
- Subsidized housing
- Follow form per location aggregate: will provide up to five times aggregate limit when primary policy is capped at a minimum of $10 million
- Experience, quick turnaround, service standards
- Competitive product offering
- Limits shall apply separately to each member of the Risk Purchasing Group
What Are Our Limits?
- Protection from $5 million up to $200 million
Robert Sperber516-417-5107
Safety Merchants and Retail Tenants Umbrella
Safety Merchants and Retail Tenants Umbrella (SMART-U)- Retail Umbrella
Our unique Umbrella product offers up to $100 million in limits for retail stores and merchants.
Who Can We Protect?
- Protect a wide range of retail stores, owners, merchants and tenants
- Broad eligibility: Retail stores—free-standing or in shopping centers; restaurants; shoe stores; yogurt franchises; supermarkets; grocery, clothing, jewelry, eye vision, electronic, household goods, stationery and office supply stores.
- Ineligible classes: second-hand stores, amusement rides, auto services, pharmaceuticals, guns and ammo, infant or medical products. Note: Exceptions considered if incidental.
- Restaurants including Fine Dining, Family Franchises – Liquor Sales up to 35%
- Limits from $10 million to $100 million
- Competitive product offering
- Personal excess liability available for principals (minimum underlined $5 million)
- Limits apply separately to each member of the risk purchasing group
- Most favorable venue endorsement
- Follow form per location aggregate
- Provide excellence in protection—dedicated program underwriting service
- Coverage for internet and international sales
- Follow form auto liability, abuse, assault, non-intentional discrimination, liquor
- Internet and International sales
- Limits up to $100 million
- Competitive product offering
- Personal excess liability available for principals (minimum underlined $5 million)
- Limits apply separately to each member of the risk purchasing group
- Most favorable venue endorsement
- Follow form per location aggregate
- Provide excellence in protection—dedicated program underwriting service
- Coverage for internet and international sales
- Follow form auto liability, abuse, assault, non-intentional discrimination, liquor.
Robert Sperber516-417-5107
Family Entertainment Centers
Family Entertainment Center Safety Association (FESCA)- The focus of this program is small to medium size location- based family entertainment centers.
Owning or operating a Family Entertainment Center is serious business. SterlingRisk is the national insurance brokerage that can help you protect it. Our Family Entertainment Center Safety Association (FECSA) Insurance Program has been providing comprehensive insurance products and solutions to the entertainment and leisure industry for over 25 years. This program provides comprehensive insurance coverage to many different types of family entertainment and related attractions, including motorized, movement, games and sport centers.
Who can we Protect:
Indoor Party Rooms designed for private parties, inflatable rides, concessions, and coin-operated rides, laser tag, bowling centers, skating rinks, bumper cars, bounce houses, miniature golf and much more.
Property; Business Income; General liability; Excess Liability; AD&D; Hire & Non- Owned Auto
Min. Premium: $3500
Underwritten by the same group of “A” rated insurance companies for the past 12 years, the program offers:
- Competitive pricing along with enhanced coverage. FECSA clients reduce their premiums an average of 25 percent.
- Low-cost accident insurance. This offsets the costs of small medical claims and the out-of-pocket medical expense under the General Liability policy’s deductible or Self-Insured Retention (SIR).
- Complete claims management and processing. Delivered from a team that is recognized among the nation’s best.
- On-site safety inspections performed by our on-staff safety engineer.
- Best of all, you can take advantage of our programs’ premium savings, increased coverages and state-of-the-art claims management while still maintaining your current broker relationship.
Our policies cover:
- Arcades
- Kiddie Rides
- Mini-Golf
- Party Rooms
- Inflatables
- Laser Tag
Ian Sterling516-719-8809
General Real Estate Environmental Enterprises Net
General Real Estate Environmental Enterprises Net (GREEN) – A Proprietary program designed by Sterling Environmental services for clients who own or manage residential and commercial real estate to address environmental exposures. Environmental insurance for new exposures at the lowest cost in the marketplace and a comprehensive manuscript policy. Includes unique and innovative coordination of emergency response. Provides mold, lead, and asbestos management coverage, as well as complimentary management plans.
GREEN offers the broadest new pollution conditions coverage available from a top-rated carrier. The GREEN program provides limits of up to $1 million per insured.* Coverage is available for new pollution conditions, which result in:
- Cleanup costs for first- and third-party claims and costs associated with third-party bodily injury and property damage claims, including legal defense costs.
- Pollution liability from asbestos, lead, mold, Legionella, contaminants and waste materials (including electromagnetic fields, low-level radioactive waste, mixed waste and medical waste) for exposures during the policy period.
- “Midnight dumping” of toxic substances (illicit abandonment).
- Indoor air quality claims stemming from mold, Legionella, migrating solvents to an insured location and petroleum spread through the HVAC system.
- Third-party claims arising out of a pollution condition at a non-owned disposal site and/or in the course of transportation beyond the boundaries of the insured’s locations and/or non-owned disposal sites.
- Immediate mobilization and coordination of contractors, engineers, claims experts, attorneys, consultants and public relations firms, without written demand from a regulatory agency.
- Certified acts of terrorism and bioterrorism.
- Loss control services, including assistance with mold, lead and asbestos management plans.
Ready to Get Started?
Complete and submit an application now:
- GREEN Application (CREPE)
- GREEN Application (Non-CREPE)
Get a quote with the GREEN Quote Indicator Tool.
*$1,000,000 limit available per insured with a shared policy aggregate of $10,000,000. There is a $50,000 Self-Insured Retention for mold, lead and asbestos and a $25,000 Self-Insured Retention on all other claims.
For more information, please review our informational product sheet and Frequently Asked Questions.
Howard Tollin, Esq.
Frank Piccininni, Esq.